Sales Performance

Selling in today’s markets is more demanding than ever, our customers and prospects have more information at their disposal regarding competitive offerings and the number of competitors has increased dramatically in a more global economy. These changes have put more emphasis for the sales professional on demonstrating a differentiated solution that provides value to the specific customer’s situation. This can only be accomplished by developing a strong understanding of the customer’s situation, the issues they want to address and what success looks like for them.

Bringing more than 25 years of experience in business-to-business sales, we work with sales organizations to build the core strengths in sales techniques, sales process, and sales management to be more effective in understanding customers and developing winning solutions. Our work includes:

  • Leveraging best practice’s developed from global research efforts
  • Identifying gaps in sales effectiveness and developing a custom implementation plan to close the gaps and deliver top line growth
  • Developing key performance indicators to assist the sales professional and sales leadership in assessing their actions and the impact they are having on winning more business
  • Creating a sales process to drive consistency and efficiency across the sales team
  • Implementing sales funnel management to ensure the sales team has the volume and quality of opportunities necessary to achieve revenue goals

The typical process we use to engage with your sales team consists of the following steps:

  1. Discovery – understand current situation/issues and desired results
  2. Alignment – where can proposed improvement integrate with current systems and processes
  3. Design – create an implementation plan that will be successful in achieving identified goals
  4. Implementation – delivery of sales process, training and management coaching
  5. Reinforcement – ongoing coaching and support to ensure long term results

Please contact us to develop and implement a sales improvement process that will drive more sales to your organization.